Carrillo Industries σετ Μπιέλες -Suzuki - GSX 1300R Hayabusa
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Carrillo uses proprietary chrome, nickel, moly, vanadium alloy which meets all VAR (vacuum arc re-melt ASTM standards). The heat is validated, both by the supplier and an independent metallurgist whom confirm the desired physical and chemical properties of steel.
All heat treat processes are via a mar-aged operation, resulting in UTS of 195,000 with a yield of 182,000 while maintaining the critical elements of low notch-sensitivity and ductility.
All Carrillo connecting rods are manufactured from an oversized forging resulting in the proper grainflow as well as the surface removal of any potential inclusions or surface conversions generated by the forging process. All critical CNC machines at Carrillo are equipped with probing to accurately validate dimensional integrity. In the production process each part is magnafluxed at least twice, further each piece is Rockwell tested to validate the heat treat procedure. A final shotpeen operation completes the part.
Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa 99-07 Std Stroke(Στανταρ)
Part Number Type Bolt Size Length PE Width BE Width BE Bore Pin Dia
SU-GS13>-8M4705S $1050 PRO-H 8mm CARR 119.50mm 20.96mm 20.98mm 41.006mm 20mm
SU-G13-1>A-8M4705H $1050 PRO-A 8mm WMC 119.50mm 20.96mm 20.98mm 41.006mm 20mm
SU-13HD>-8M4705S $1050 PRO-H 8mm CARR 119.50mm 20.96mm 20.98mm 41.006mm 20mm
Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa 99-07 Stroker (Ενισχυμενη)
Part Number Type Bolt Size Length PE Width BE Width BE Bore Pin Dia
SU-KAT>-8M4606S $1050 PRO-H 8mm CARR 117.00mm 20.96mm 20.98mm 41.006mm 20mm
SU-GS>1-8M4621S $950 PRO-H 8mm CARR 117.37mm 20.96mm 20.98mm 41.006mm 20mm
Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa 08-17 Std Stroke (Στανταρ)
Part Number Type Bolt Size Length PE Width BE Width BE Bore Pin Dia
SU-1308>-8M4705S PRO-H 8mm CARR 119.50mm 20.96mm 20.98mm 41.006mm 18mm
SU-1308-1>A-8M4705H PRO-A 8mm WMC 119.50mm 20.96mm 20.98mm 41.006mm 18mm
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